Get started!(Eclipse)


Introduce how to setting up development environment and how to executing basic database access.

Install JDK

You install JDK 8 .


Doma also supports JDK 9, 10 and 11.

Install Eclipse

You install Eclipse .


Running on Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers and so on other but checking of running by Eclipse Standard 4.4 in this document. It seems to that it is running at higher version.

Install Doma Tools that is Eclipse plugin

Doma tool is plugin that enable mutual transition between Java file and SQL file. This plugin is not required to using Doma, but if you use this plugin then productivity is growth.

You select Help > Install New Software... from menu bar and input next url to 'Work With' textbox.

Install enable plugin candidate is shown like below then you check to Doma tool latest version and go on dialog to finish installing.


Associate to file

Doma tools execute annotation processing by hook the file updating. In order to do that , you need to open SQL file in Eclipse.

You select Eclipse > Preference... or Window > Preference from menu bar and open preference dialog.

You associate file that has .sql extensions to Text Editor like shown below figure.


Similarly you associate file that has .script extensions to Text Editor.



You can skip this setting if you use Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers because SQL file is associated to specialized editor by default.


We recommend to you development style that you create SQL by RDBMS specific tools (Oracle SQL Developer and pgAdmin) and copy accomplished SQL to Eclipse editor.

Import template project

You clone simple-boilerplate from GitHub.

$ git clone

Move to the cloned directory.

$ cd simple-boilerplate

Create config file for Eclipse by next command.

$ ./gradlew eclipse


You input gradlew eclipse instead of ./gradlew eclipse in Windows environment.


Please set JDK 8 (or JDK 9 and 10) installed directory to environment variable JAVA_HOME. It is needed for executing gradlew.


The config that is for annotation processing config is included in Eclipse config file. Reference Eclipse を使ったビルド if configure by manual.

You select File > Import... from Eclipse menu bar and select 'Existing Projects into Workspace' and import simple-boilerplate.


You select project and execute JUnit for confirming the accomplished the importing. If one test case is success then importing was finished normally.

Structure of template project

The project source code's structure is like next.

─ src
  ├── main
  │   ├── java
  │   │   └── boilerplate
  │   │       ├──
  │   │       ├── dao
  │   │       │   ├──
  │   │       │   └──
  │   │       └── entity
  │   │           └──
  │   └── resources
  │       └── META-INF
  │           └── boilerplate
  │               └── dao
  │                   ├── AppDao
  │                   │   ├── create.script
  │                   │   └── drop.script
  │                   └── EmployeeDao
  │                       ├── selectAll.sql
  │                       └── selectById.sql
  └── test
      ├── java
      │   └── boilerplate
      │       ├──
      │       └── dao
      │           └──
      └── resources

Explain about important file.
The 設定 that is needed for executing Doma.
Utility that create/drop the database schema that is using in this application. This is not need in production environment. The script file is under META-INF/boilerplate/dao/AppDao/ and is used for creating and dropping schema.
The Entity classes that correspond to EMPLOYEE table within database.
The Dao interfaces that is execute getting and updating Employee class. The SQL file is under META-INF/boilerplate/dao/EmployeeDao/ and is used.
The test that is using EmployeeDao. You can learn about Doma by adding test case to this file. Other test is not affected by updating data because database schema is created and disposed per test method.

Mutual transition between Java file and SQL file is defined like next.

@Dao(config = AppConfig.class)
public interface EmployeeDao {

    List<Employee> selectAll();

    Employee selectById(Integer id);

    int insert(Employee employee);

    int update(Employee employee);

    int delete(Employee employee);


You move cursor to selectById method and do right click at Eclipse editor and show context menu. You can transition to META-INF/boilerplate/dao/EmployeeDao/selectById.sql file by selecting Doma > Jum to SQL in menu.

Next, you put cursor to arbitrary place in META-INF/boilerplate/dao/EmployeeDao/selectById.sql file and show context menu. You can back to file by selecting Doma > Jump to Java in menu.

SQL File

You open META-INF/boilerplate/dao/EmployeeDao/selectById.sql file. This file is described like next.

    id = /* id */0

The /*%expand*/ show that expansioning column list by referencing entity class that is mapped at Java method.

The /* id */ show that Java method parameter value is binding to this SQL.

The 0 that is placed at behind is test data. By including this test data, you can confirm easily that there is not mistake in SQL at executing by tool. Test data is not used at executing Java program.

About detail you reference SQL.


For executing Insert process, you call Dao method that is annotated @Insert annotation.

Execute insert process

You confirm that next code is exists at EmployeeDao.

int insert(Employee employee);

Execute insert process by using this code.

You add next code to EmployeeDaoTest.

public void testInsert() {
    TransactionManager tm = AppConfig.singleton().getTransactionManager();

    Employee employee = new Employee();

    // First transaction
    // Execute inserting
    tm.required(() -> { = "HOGE";
        employee.age = 20;

    // Second transaction
    // Confirm that inserting is success
    tm.required(() -> {
        Employee employee2 = dao.selectById(;
        assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(20), employee2.age);
        assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), employee2.version);

You execute JUnit and confirm that this code is run.

At that time, created for the inserting SQL is next.

insert into Employee (age, id, name, version) values (20, 100, 'HOGE', 1)

Identifier and version number is automatically setting.


For executing Update process, you call Dao method that is annotated @Update annotation.

Execute update process

You confirm that next code is exists at EmployeeDao.

int update(Employee employee);

Execute update process by using this code.

You add next code to EmployeeDaoTest.

public void testUpdate() {
    TransactionManager tm = AppConfig.singleton().getTransactionManager();

    // First transaction
    // Search and update age field
    tm.required(() -> {
        Employee employee = dao.selectById(1);
        assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(30), employee.age);
        assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(0), employee.version);
        employee.age = 50;
        assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), employee.version);

    // Second transaction
    // Confirm that updating is success
    tm.required(() -> {
        Employee employee = dao.selectById(1);
        assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(50), employee.age);
        assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), employee.version);

You execute JUnit and confirm that this code is run.

At that time, created for the updating SQL is next.

update Employee set age = 50, name = 'ALLEN', version = 0 + 1 where id = 1 and version = 0

The version number that is for optimistic concurrency control is automatically increment.


For executing Delete process, you call Dao method that is annotated @Delete annotation.

Execute delete process

You confirm that next code is exists at EmployeeDao.

int delete(Employee employee);

Execute delete process by using this code.

You add next code to EmployeeDaoTest.

public void testDelete() {
    TransactionManager tm = AppConfig.singleton().getTransactionManager();

    // First transaction
    // Execute deleting
    tm.required(() -> {
        Employee employee = dao.selectById(1);

    // Second transaction
    // Confirm that deleting is success
    tm.required(() -> {
        Employee employee = dao.selectById(1);

You execute JUnit and confirm that this code is run.

At that time, created for the deleting SQL is next.

delete from Employee where id = 1 and version = 0

Identifier and version number is specified in search condition.