Development of Doma


This document is written for the developers of Doma.

Before You Start

To build you will need Git and JDK 8. Be sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the jdk1.8.0 folder extracted from the JDK download.

Get the Source Code

$ git clone
$ cd doma

Build from the Command Line

$ ./gradlew build

Format the Source Code

We use google-java-format 1.6 for code formatting.

Command Line

Use the Spotless gradle plugin:

$ ./gradlew spotlessApply

Continuous Integration

We use Travis CI for CI. All pull requests to master brunch are tested on Travis CI.


We use Sphinx to generate documents. To use Sphinx you will need Python.

Set up an environment

$ cd docs
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate HTML files

Execute the sphinx-autobuild command in the docs directory:

$ sphinx-autobuild . _build/html

Visit the webpage served at