Lombok support

Doma supports Lombok 1.16.12 or above.


If you intend to use Eclipse, use version 4.5 or above.


Both Lombok and Doma provide their own annotation processors. Because the execution order of annotation processors is not determined in Java, the Doma’s annotation processors are not always aware of the class modifications made by the Lombok annotation processors.

To resolve the issue, the Doma’s annotation processors recognise several Lombok’s annotations and change their own behavior. For example, if the Doma’s annotation processors find a class annotated with @lombok.Value, they supposes that the class has a constructor whose arguments covers all instance fields.

Best practices

We show you recommended ways to define classes with Lombok annotations.

Entity class definition

immutable entity classes

  • Specify true to the immutable element of @Entity
  • Specify either @lombok.Value or @lombok.AllArgsConstructor
  • Specify @lombok.Getter to generate getters, in case of @lombok.AllArgsConstructor
@Entity(immutable = true)
public class Employee {
  Integer id;
  String name;
  Age age;
@Entity(immutable = true)
public class Worker {
  private final Integer id;
  private final String name;
  private final Age age;

mutable entity classes

  • Define a default constructor
  • Specify @lombok.Data or @lombok.Getter/@lombok.Setter to generate getters/setters
public class Person {
  private Integer id;
  private String name;
  private Age age;
public class Businessman {
  private Integer id;
  private String name;
  private Age age;

Domain class definition

  • Specify @lombok.Value
  • Define only one instance field whose name is value
@Domain(valueType = Integer.class)
public class Age {
  Integer value;

Embeddable class definition

  • Specify either @lombok.Value or @lombok.AllArgsConstructor
  • Specify @lombok.Getter to generate getters, in case of @lombok.AllArgsConstructor
public class Address {
  String street;
  String city;
public class Location {
  private final String street;
  private final String city;