Kotlin support

Doma supports Kotlin 1.3.11 or above experimentally.

Best practices

We show you recommended ways to define classes and build them with Kotlin.

Entity classes

  • Define as a data class
  • Specify true to the immutable element of @Entity
  • Define only one constructor
  • Define properties only in the constructor
  • Use val for the property definitions
@Entity(immutable = true)
data class Person(
      @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
      val id: Int? = null,
      val name: Name,
      val address: Address)

Domain classes

  • Define as a data class
  • Define only one constructor
  • Define only one property whose name is value in the constructor
  • Use val for the property definition
@Domain(valueType = String::class)
data class Name(val value: String)

Embeddable classes

  • Define as a data class
  • Define only one constructor
  • Define properties only in the constructor
  • Use val for the property definitions
data class Address(val city: String, val street: String)

Dao interfaces

  • Specify a SQL template to @org.seasar.doma.experimental.Sql
  • Use org.seasar.doma.jdbc.Result as the return type of @Delete, @Insert and @Update
  • Use org.seasar.doma.jdbc.BatchResult as the return type of @BatchDelete, @BatchInsert and @BatchUpdate
@Dao(config = AppConfig::class)
interface PersonDao {
  select * from person where id = /*id*/0
  fun selectById(id: Int): Person

  Result<Person> insert(Person person);
val dao: PersonDao = ...
val person = Person(name = Name("Jhon"), address = Address(city = "Tokyo", street = "Yaesu"))
val (newPerson, count) = dao.insert(person)

Using kapt in Gradle

Annotation processors are supported in Kotlin with the kapt compiler plugin.

Add the dependencies using the kapt and implementation configuration in your dependencies block:

dependencies {
    kapt "org.seasar.doma:doma:2.25.0"
    implementation "org.seasar.doma:doma:2.25.0"

If you use resource files such as SQL files, make the kapt find them:

kapt {
    arguments {
        arg("doma.resources.dir", compileKotlin.destinationDir)

task copyDomaResources(type: Sync)  {
    from sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs
    into compileKotlin.destinationDir
    include 'doma.compile.config'
    include 'META-INF/**/*.sql'
    include 'META-INF/**/*.script'

compileKotlin {
    dependsOn copyDomaResources


Remember that you always have options as follows:

  • Write all code in Kotlin
  • Write all code in Java
  • Write code annotated with Doma’s annotations in Java and others in Kotlin

The third option is worth considering, because it can avoid some troubles with the kapt.