Building an application
Maven Central Repository
You can pull the artifacts of the Doma framework from the Maven central repository.
We provide two artifacts, doma-core
and doma-processor
The doma-core
artifact is required at runtime and compile-time.
The doma-processor
artifact provides annotation processors and is required at compile-time only.
The group id and artifact id of those artifacts are as follows:
- GroupId:
- ArtifactId:
- GroupId:
- ArtifactId:
Build with Gradle
Write your build.gradle(.kts) as follows:
plugins {
id("org.seasar.doma.compile") version "3.0.1"
dependencies {
plugins {
id 'org.seasar.doma.compile' version '3.0.1'
dependencies {
implementation 'org.seasar.doma:doma-core:3.0.1'
annotationProcessor 'org.seasar.doma:doma-processor:3.0.1'
To simplify your build.script(.kts), we recommend that you use the org.seasar.doma.compile plugin.
See build.gradle.kts in the getting-started repository as an example.
Build with Maven
Write your pom.xml as follows:
<source>17</source> <!-- depending on your project -->
<target>17</target> <!-- depending on your project -->
<!-- if you are using a Maven project in Eclipse, this argument is required -->
Build with Eclipse
Import your project as a Gradle project. To reflect Gradle settings in Eclipse, right-click on your project and select Gradle > Refresh Gradle Project.
See build.gradle.kts in the getting-started repository as an example.
Import your project as a Maven project.
Right-click on the project, then select Properties > Maven > Annotation Processing. Enable “Enable Project specific settings” and “Automatically configure JDT APT” as shown in the figure below.
To reflect Maven settings in Eclipse, you can right-click on your project then select Maven > Update Project…
You need to add the following argument to the Maven compiler plugin configuration in your pom.xml:
Build with IntelliJ IDEA
Import your project as a Gradle project. Build and run using Gradle.
Import your project as a Maven project. Build and run using Maven.