Stored procedure

To call stored procedures, you must annotate DAO methods with the @Procedure annotation:

public interface EmployeeDao {
    void execute(@In Integer id, @InOut Reference<BigDecimal> salary);

Return Type

The return type must be void.

Procedure name

The annotated method name is recognized as the procedure name by default. To override it, you can specify the value to the @Procedure’s name element:

@Procedure(name = "calculateSalary")
void execute(@In Integer id, @InOut Reference<BigDecimal> salary);


The order of stored procedure’s parameters must correspond with the order of DAO method parameters.

All parameters must be annotated with one of following annotations:

  • @In

  • @InOut

  • @Out

  • @ResultSet

IN parameter

To indicate IN parameters, annotate corresponding DAO method parameters with the @In annotation. The type of the DAO method parameter must be one of the following:

Suppose you have the following definition:

void execute(@In Integer id);

You can invoke the method as follows:

EmployeeDao dao = new EmployeeDaoImpl();

INOUT parameter

To indicate INOUT parameters, annotate corresponding DAO method parameters with the @InOut annotation. The type of the DAO method parameter must be org.seasar.doma.jdbc.Reference and its type parameter must be one of the following:

Suppose you have the following definition:

void execute(@InOut Reference<BigDecimal> salary);

You can invoke the method as follows:

EmployeeDao dao = new EmployeeDaoImpl();
BigDecimal in = new BigDecimal(100);
Reference<BigDecimal> ref = new Reference<BigDecimal>(in);
BigDecimal out = ref.get();

OUT parameter

To indicate OUT parameters, annotate corresponding DAO method parameters with the @Out annotation. The type of the DAO method parameter must be org.seasar.doma.jdbc.Reference and its type parameter must be one of the following:

Suppose you have the following definition:

void execute(@Out Reference<BigDecimal> salary);

You can invoke the method as follows:

EmployeeDao dao = new EmployeeDaoImpl();
Reference<BigDecimal> ref = new Reference<BigDecimal>();
BigDecimal out = ref.get();

Cursor or result set

To indicate cursors or result sets, annotate corresponding DAO method parameters with the @ResultSet annotation.

The DAO method parameter type must be java.util.List and its element type must be one of the following:

Suppose you have the following definition:

void execute(@ResultSet List<Employee> employees);

You can invoke the method as follows:

EmployeeDao dao = new EmployeeDaoImpl();
List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<Employee>();
for (Employee e : employees) {