Batch delete

Annotate with @BatchDelete to Dao method for execute batch delete.

public interface EmployeeDao {
    int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);

By default DELETE statement is auto generated. You can mapping arbitrary SQL file by specifying true to sqlFile property within the @BatchDelete annotation.

The preDelete method of entity listener is called each entity when before executing delete if the entity listener is specified at Entity classes parameter. Also the postDelete method of entity listener method is called each entity when after executing delete.

Return value

Return value must be org.seasar.doma.jdbc.BatchResult that has entity class as an element if parameter Iterable subtype element is immutable entity class.

Return value must be int[] that is represented each deleting process’s updated count if the above conditions are not satisfied.

Batch delete by auto generated SQL

Parameter type must be java.lang.Iterable subtype that has Entity classes as an element. Specifiable parameter is only one. Parameter must not be null. Return value array element count become equal Iterable element count. Delete count is returned to array each element.

Version number and optimistic concurrency control in auto generated SQL

Optimistic concurrency control is executed if you satisfied below conditions.

  • Entity classes within parameter java.lang.Iterable subtype has property that is annotated with @Version

  • The ignoreVersion element within @BatchDelete annotation is false

If optimistic concurrency control is enable, version number is included with identifier in delete condition. BatchOptimisticLockException representing optimistic concurrency control failure is thrown, if at that time deleted count is 0.


If ignoreVersion property within @BatchDelete annotation is true, version number is not include in delete condition. BatchOptimisticLockException is not thrown, even if delete count is 0.

@BatchDelete(ignoreVersion = true)
int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);


In case of suppressOptimisticLockException property within @BatchDelete is true, version number is include in delete condition but BatchOptimisticLockException is not thrown even if delete count is 0.

@BatchDelete(suppressOptimisticLockException = true)
int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);

Batch delete by SQL file

To execute batch deleting by SQL file, you set true to sqlFile property within @BatchDelete annotation and prepare SQL file that correspond method.

@BatchDelete(sqlFile = true)
int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);

Parameter type must be java.lang.Iterable subtype that has arbitrary type as an element. Specifiable parameter is only one. Parameter must not be null. Return value array element count become equal Iterable element count. Delete count is returned to array each element.

For example, you describe SQL like below to correspond above method.

delete from employee where name = /* */'hoge'

Parameter name indicate java.lang.Iterable subtype element in SQL file.

Version number and optimistic concurrency control in SQL file

Optimistic concurrency control is executed if you satisfied below conditions.

  • The parameter java.lang.Iterable subtype has Entity classes element, the Entity classes element is annotated with @Version

  • The ignoreVersion element within @BatchDelete annotation is false

However, describing to SQL file for Optimistic concurrency control SQL is application developer’s responsibility. For example like below SQL, you must specify version number in WHERE clauses.

delete from EMPLOYEE where ID = /* */1 and VERSION = /* employees.version */1

BatchOptimisticLockException representing optimistic concurrency control failure is thrown, if deleted count is 0 or multiple in this SQL.


If ignoreVersion property within @BatchDelete annotation is true, BatchOptimisticLockException is not thrown even if deleted count is 0 or multiple.

@BatchDelete(sqlFile = true, ignoreVersion = true)
int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);


If suppressOptimisticLockException property within @BatchDelete is true, BatchOptimisticLockException is not thrown even if deleted count is 0 or multiple.

@BatchDelete(sqlFile = true, suppressOptimisticLockException = true)
int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);

Query timeout

You can specify seconds of query timeout to queryTimeout property within @BatchDelete annotation.

@BatchDelete(queryTimeout = 10)
int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);

This specifying is applied regardless of with or without using sql file. Query timeout that is specified in config class is used if queryTimeout property is not set value.

Batch size

You can specify batch size to batchSize property within @BatchDelete annotation.

@BatchDelete(batchSize = 10)
int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);

This specify is applied regardless of using or not using SQL file. It you do not specify the value to batchSize property, batch size that is specified at Configuration class is applied.

SQL log output format

You can specify SQL log output format to sqlLog property within @BatchDelete annotation.

@BatchDelete(sqlLog = SqlLogType.RAW)
int[] delete(List<Employee> employees);

SqlLogType.RAW represent outputting log that is sql with a binding parameter.